Commitment is the basis of success

To measure the success of a project, it is necessary to define goals. The achievement of objectives then defines the success of the project. It is therefore important to clearly describe the measure to be implemented with the associated goal.

A goal can be both quantitative and qualitative, if only it is verifiable.

Once the measure and its associated goal are described, clearly defined accountability becomes necessary. A person vouches with his or her own name for the achievement of the goal.

The question is raised again and again as to where additional responsible persons can be stored. This involves additional team members or employees from other departments.

Realibility goal achievement

Even in agile there is a team leader who reports the results of the sprint, summarizes status information and acts as a coordinator.

Dividing responsibility for an action causes the individual to become less motivated to achieve the goal.

Commitment is based on personal responsibility: the will to achieve a set goal and to implement the measure as described. It is not for nothing that the set goal is often backed up by a release process in which all those responsible sign the measure specification and agree on precisely this goal.

The basis of the project success consists in the binding achievement of the goals of each responsible person. Starting with the person responsible for the measure, through the person responsible for the work package and sub-project, to the project manager and the stakeholders.

If clear responsibilities are defined during the course of the project, then the goal is a little closer!