“Must haves” of a project management tool

Which functionalities should a project management tool contain for steering and implementing projects? Due to the special requirements in the implementation phase, we have listed the most important functional groups of a project management tool for you:

Access & multiuser capability
The tool should be accessible from anywhere via the Internet, regardless of device. All participants in the project work together in one database.

Information – qualitative & quantitative
The tool offers the possibility to capture all relevant information. The collection of data from third party systems is provided via interfaces and imports. Information can be qualitative as well as quantitative. Financial and non-financial parameters should be freely definable.

Hierarchical structuring
For clarity and assignment of responsibilities on the measure level, a project management tool offers the possibility of differentiation and structuring. Such structuring is ideally hierarchical. A hierarchical structure offers optimal possibilities to aggregate information and to set defaults as well as authorizations top down. Optimal is the possible reconstruction by drag & drop without loss of information. A limitation in depth and width should of course not exist.

Collaboration & automatic notification
A hierarchical structure supports information sharing and enables an escalation staircase. Push mails enable the flow of status information to the deposited responsible persons. Searchable to do lists, note functions and mouseover contact information of users help to interactively seek conversation and exchange information.

Functionalities project management tool steering realization

Roles & rights
A detailed roles and rights concept guarantees a targeted allocation of information collection and display. Clear responsibilities create commitment and facilitate the control of the project. Tasks and responsibilities are delegated and centrally controlled.

Presentation of information & reporting
Different views such as scorecards, kanban, portfolio or 4-field charts and sortable tables are helpful in order to be able to evaluate information in a targeted manner. Ideally, such views can be visualized not only through exports, but directly in the tool. In addition, customized standard reporting in common formats such as PDF, Excel, PowerPoint or Word is essential.

Data & access security
Encryption of the database and data traffic is essential. Configurable password security and 2-factor authentication should also be present in any good project management tool. Revision security, recovery options for deleted information, and detailed logs of every data change round out security.