Implementation levels in the realization

To answer the question about how the implementation levels are represented in the realization, let’s have a look at what the implementation levels stand for. The implementation levels are a combination of phases, transition points (gates), and the completion of a measure.

Gate 0:Capture of an idea for a measure

Implementation level 1: Description and rough planning of the measure
Gate 1: Measure is fully captured

Implementation level 2: Measure is worked out in detail incl. costs/benefits
Gate 2: Approval for realization of the measure

Implementation level 3: Measure is implemented
Gate 3: Measure is reported as implemented

Implementation level 4: Results of the measure are recorded
Gate 4: Results are verified and released by Controlling

Implementation level 5: The measure is comprehensively completed and documented

implementation level project phases measures planning realization

Implementation levels become involved where measures are developed during the course of the project.

From the phase of the measure and the distinction between ideas, measures in implementation and implemented measures, the filling level with regard to the planned effects (e.g. costs, savings, sales) and thus the status of the project progress can be derived. An additional help is the risk-adjusted percentage evaluation of the figures according to the current implementation level.

This view carries certain risks. Costs and efforts may be incurred from day one and may not be presented in a risk-adjusted manner. There is no possibility to record actual figures and measures are monitored far beyond their completion in order to record resulting effects.

A professional solution for controlling measures decouples the timelines of the pure measure implementation and the corresponding effects. The measure is planned until its completion and is concluded with its implementation. Thus, distinctions are only made up to gate 3.

The effects are linked to the measure and planned on a separate timeline. Actual postings for costs and other expenses can be recorded from day one. Resulting effects of the measure, such as savings or increases in sales, are posted to the time after completion. The granularity of the recording, whether on a monthly or annual level, is irrelevant here.

What is important is the recording of both target, planned and actual values on the timeline. Such a recording enables the observation of the filling level as well as the detailed plan actual comparison to the current state of realization.  

With the help of multi level monitoring, a critical status can be shown here, both in the case of a delay in implementation and in the case of a plan actual deviation, even after completion of the measure.